The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
Migrant Program food boxes
First come first serve food boxes in the art building by the middle school. Today 4/9 until 3:30pm.
Cajas de comida del Programa Migrante
Para quienes lleguen primero cajas de comida en el edificio de arte cerca de la middle school. Hoy 4/9 hasta las 3:30pm.
Migrant Program food boxes
First come first serve food boxes in the art building by the middle school. Today 4/8 until 4:30pm.
Cajas de comida del Programa Migrante
Para quienes lleguen primero cajas de comida en el edificio de arte cerca de la middle school. Hoy 4/8 hasta las 4:30pm.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
Nyssa is hiring! Click the link to see current job openings.
Según la Declaración de Derechos de Evaluación de Estudiantes, el Departamento de Educación de Oregón (ODE) y los distritos escolares de Oregón deben proporcionar a las familias con un “Aviso de Exámenes Estatales y el Formulario de Exclusión” 30 días antes del inicio de los exámenes estatales. Este año, la escuela se ha visto significativamente afectada por la pandemia de COVID-19 actual y otros factores. En respuesta, ODE planea solicitar al Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos una pausa temporal (también conocida como “exención”) en los exámenes de Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés (ELA, por sus siglas en inglés) y Matemáticas. También se está solicitando una pausa para los exámenes de ciencias, pero los exámenes de ciencias no están sujetos a esta regla de exclusión.
• Si se aprueba la solicitud de la exención, entonces los exámenes estatales de ELA y Matemáticas no se realizarán este año, y no será necesario que los padres presenten el formulario de exclusión a la escuela de su hijo/a.
• Si no se aprueba la solicitud de la exención, el período de exámenes se abrirá de 13 de abril de 2021. ODE actualizará a su distrito de forma regular con las noticias sobre la exención.
Aviso de 30 días para Exámenes Estatales y Formulario de Exclusión
**Por favor, devuelva este formulario a la oficina de su escuela.
Under the Student Assessment Bill of Rights, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon’s school districts must provide families with a “Notice of Statewide Tests and Opt-out Form” 30 days before the start of statewide testing. This year, school has been significantly disrupted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. In response, ODE asked the United States Department of Education for a temporary pause (also known as a “waiver”) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math testing. A pause is also being requested for science testing, but science testing is not subject to this opt-out rule.
• If this waiver request is approved, then statewide ELA and Math testing will not happen this year, and there will be no need for parents to submit opt-out forms to their child’s school.
• If the waiver request is not approved, test windows will open on April 13, 2021. ODE will update your district regularly with news about the waiver.
ODE 30-Day Notice & Opt-Out Form
**Please return form to your school’s main office.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
NMS Parent Teacher Conferences - March 17th Wednesday 5:00 -8:30 pm March 18 Thursday. 8:00 am -12:00, 1:00-4:00 pm, & 5:00-8:30 pm . Conference by Zoom or Telephone. Students with a D or an F in a class have received an invitation to schedule a meeting with their teacher. Please check with your student. Open scheduling for anyone would like to schedule a meeting will be available by Monday March 15th. Teachers will share the scheduling link with their students. Parents can also contact any teacher by email or phone the school to arrange a time to meet.
Conferiencias de Padres/Maestras Miercoles, 17 de Marzo 5:00-8:30pm Hueves, 18 de Marzo 8:00-12:00pm, 1:00-4:00pm, 5:00-8:30pm Conferencias Por Zoom y Telefono Estudiantes con grados de una D y F en mas de una clase recibiran una envitacion para conectarse con la maestra/maestro de su hijo/hija. Habla con sus ninos! La programación estaria abierta para todos los padres/estudiantes que deseen programar una reunión, estará disponible el Lunes, 15 de Marzo. Los maestros/maestras compartirán el link para tomar un tiempo para usted. Los Padres tambien pueden contactarse con la maestra/maestro por email y tambien por telefono para escoger un tiempo
Nyssa School District Calendar 20-21
NMS is rewarding students for reading independently at school. Students can pick up a sheet in front of the office to track reading. They will then read for 10 minutes a day, write a short summary, have an adult sign that they read, and turn the sheet into the office to be eligible for that day's prize.
Congratulations to the 104 students who received an ice cream award for not getting a D or F on the last grade check.
Next reward: Students who do not receive a zero in any of their classes will receive a treat bag in April.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 3
Use this link to watch our Live Campus Sporting Events!
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 3
Inclusion Week!
February 8th-12th
Purpose: Inclusion week will be celebrated to provide support to the increasingly diverse student population that we have here at the Middle School. The week also provides an important opportunity for educators, students and parents to discuss mental health concerns as well as various other struggles that students are faced with.
Monday- Equal day “You are IMPORTANT” Color Blue
Tuesday-Support day “You are NOT ALONE” Color: Orange
Grief and loss
Wednesday-Anxiety and depression “You are VALUED” Color: Green
Thursday- Suicide awareness “You are WANTED” Color: Yellow
Friday-Anti Bullying “You are LOVED” Valentines colors: Red and Pink
*Dress up with the color of the day
We are looking to have 5 minutes to do a morning “announcement” each day sharing statistics, educational information, direction for help and additional resources.
This week is not intended to be used to debate issues or out students. We would like to bring light to difficult topics in life with the hope of inclusion.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 1
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 1
As we prepare for all students to return to in-person instruction we are needing to adjust our daily schedule. Starting January 19 are schedule will be as follows:
Period 1 9:00-10:10
Period 2 10:20-11:30
Lunch 11:30-12:15
Period 3 12:15-1:25
Period 4 1:35-2:45
Call us at 541-372-3891 if you have questions.
Al preparar para el regreso de estudiantes a la escuela, necesitamos un cambio de horario. Empezando el 19 de enero el horario sera asi:
Period 1 9:00-10:10
Period 2 10:20-11:30
Lunch 11:30-12:15
Period 3 12:15-1:25
Period 4 1:35-2:45
Llamanos si tienen preguntas 541-372-3891