On January 25th Nyssa Middle School will transition to full time in-person instruction. If your student will not be attending in person, please make sure that you have contacted NMS so the student can be enrolled in the Nyssa Online Academy (Edgenuity). Please call the school at 541-372-3891 if you have any questions.
El 25 de enero, Nyssa Middle School pasará a la instrucción en persona. Si su estudiante no va asistir en persona, asegúrese que se comunique con la oficina de NMS para que el estudiante pueda inscribirse en la Academia en línea de Nyssa (Edgenuity). Por favor llame a la escuela al 541-372-3891 si tiene preguntas
Nyssa School District office schedule over the holidays:
Open: Dec. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Jan 4.
Closed: Dec. 24, 25, and Jan 1
Nyssa Middle School Students,
Starting Monday December 7, all NMS students will have the opportunity to physically attend one of their current classes at NMS through Limited in Person Instruction. No transportation will be available at this time.
Distance learning will continue for all classes and Limited In Person Instruction is optional.
As we begin this process, only 2nd period, 3rd period and 4th period classes will be available for Limited in Person Instruction.
All students received an email earlier this week asking them if they are interested in attending and to select two class options. Please make sure this was completed. Teachers will confirm the period of attendance.
New Bell Schedule for Distance and In- Person
It starts Monday. Dec 7th. Added time between classes for travel to and from school and to clean between groups of students
Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your assigned class.
Period 1 9:05-10:15
Period 2 10:50-12:00
Lunch 12:00-12:30
Period 3 12:45-1:55
Perod 4 2:35 - 3:45
Covid-19 Safety Procedures:
1. Do not come to school if you are not 100% healthy.
2. Wear a mask at all times.
3. Maintain 6 feet of social distance.
4. Complete the wellness check upon entering the building.
5. Use hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently.
6. Only attend your one class on campus each day.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 2.
Students 0
Nyssa Middle School Parents,
To help prevent the spread of Covid-19, for one week following Thanksgiving, November 30 - December 4, all classes will be offered by distance learning with no students on campus. Our limited in-person instruction will resume on December 7.
Padres de Nyssa Middle School,
Para ayudar a prevenir el contagio del Covid-19, durante una semana después del Día de Acción de Gracias, el 30 de noviembre hasta el 4 de diciembre, todas las clases se ofrecerán como aprendizaje de distancia con no estudiantes en el campus de la escuela. La instrucción limitada en persona empezaran otra vez el 7 de diciembre
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 3.
All instruction during the week of Nov. 30 to Dec 4 will be conducted through distance learning. No in-person instruction will take place. We hope to reduce the potential for COVID 19 spread after Thanksgiving.
Toda la instrucción durante la semana del 30 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre se llevará a cabo mediante aprendizaje a distancia. No se impartirá instrucción en persona. Esperamos reducir el potencial de propagación de COVID 19 después del Día de Acción de Gracias.
Good Afternoon,
Middle School/High School students interested in attending the Migrant Virtual Youth Forum, Saturday, November 07, 2020 (9:00 am -1:45 pm) via Zoom.
Please click on the link to register:
We hope you can attend! Thank you!
Buenas tardes,
Estudiantes de la middle school, high school interesados en asistir al Foro Virtual de Jóvenes Migrantes, MAÑANA Mañana- Sábado, 07 de noviembre de 2020 (9:00 am -1: 45 pm) a través de Zoom.
Haga clic en el enlace para inscribirse:
¡Esperamos que puedas asistir! ¡Gracias!
Toys for Tots sign up at Nyssa School District Office tomorrow 11/05 from 12pm-8pm. Please stay in your cars and wear a mask. Parent/Guardian must be present to sign children up, ages 0-12. Children not required to be present.For questions contact 541.372.2961.
Inscripciones de juguetes para navidad, mañana 11/05 de 12-8pm, En la oficina del distrito escolar de Nyssa Por favor, permanezcan en sus coches y utilice una máscara. El padre / tutor debe estar presente para inscribir a los niños de 0 a 12 años. No es necesario que los niños estén presentes.Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con 541.372.2961.
Toys for Tots sign up at Nyssa School District Office Today 11/04 from 11am-4pm. Please stay in your cars and wear a mask. Parent/Guardian must be present to sign children up, ages 0-12. Children not required to be present. For questions contact 541.372.2961.
Inscripciones de juguetes para navidad, hoy 11/04 de 11 am a 4 pm, En la oficina del distrito escolar de Nyssa Por favor, permanezcan en sus coches y utilicen una máscara. El padre / tutor debe estar presente para inscribir a los niños de 0 a 12 años. No es necesario que los niños estén presentes.Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con 541.372.2961.
Reminder to middle school students: You are invited to a Halloween drive through from 4:30-6:00 p.m.. There are hot dogs available on a first come first serve basis. Congratulations on making it through our first quarter of distance learning!
Report cards and Student Led Conference forms have been mailed home. Grades are also posted on ParentVue. Teachers have contacted students with a D or F to sign up for a conference. Conference sign ups have been opened to anyone who would like one. Staff have shared their sign up link with their students. You can also call the school or email teachers to set up a time. THANKS
NMS Parent Teacher Conferences
October 28 Wednesday 5:00 -8:30 pm
October 29 Thursday. 8:00 am -12:00, 1:00-4:00 pm, & 5:00-8:30 pm .
Conference by Zoom or Telephone.
Students are completing Student Led Conference Forms to be shared with their parents. These will also be mailed home with report cards.
Students with a D or an F in a class have received an invitation to schedule a meeting with their teacher. Please check with your student.
Open scheduling for anyone would like to schedule a meeting will be available by Monday Oct 26th. Teachers will share the scheduling link with their students.
Parents can also contact any teacher by email or phone the school to arrange a time to meet.
Conferiencias de Padres/Maestras
Miercoles, 28 de Octubre 5:00-8:30pm
Hueves, 29 de Octubre 8:00-12:00pm, 1:00-4:00pm, 5:00-8:30pm
Conferencias Por Zoom y Telefono
Todos los estudiantes estan completando sus formas para tener el Estudiante compartir con sus padres la conferencia en Zoom tambien por telefono. Los grados llegaran por correo con las formas del estudiante.
Estudiantes con grados de una D y F en mas de una clase recibiran una envitacion para conectarse con la maestra/maestro de su hijo/hija. Habla con sus ninos!
La programación estaria abierta para todos los padres/estudiantes que deseen programar una reunión, estará disponible el Lunes, 26 de Octubre. Los maestros/maestras compartirán el link para tomar un tiempo para usted.
Los Padres tambien pueden contactarse con la maestra/maestro por email y tambien por telefono para escoger un tiempo.
The NMS and NHS staff are aware that some students are experiencing internet outages at home. It seems to be an internet provider issue. Staff will be recording their lesson and once your service returns please follow up with your teacher if you need assistance. SORRY.
Good Morning from the MS. Two tech issues. Please check your packet for your Google/Chromebook log in information. It was stapled to your schedule. Grad year accounts have been disabled. If you selected full time online you will not start school today. A teacher will be contacting you today and tomorrow to set up your classes.
NMS - Back to School Meeting 6 PM Tonight (8/25). Update on Distance Learning, Online Learning and the start of school. We are excited for school to begin. Please use this link to join the meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 6820 4269
Passcode: 439275
Nyssa Middle School - TODAY 10 AM to 6 PM - Chromebook and School Supply/information handout. Please come pick up your books, class supplies, schedule, and chromebook. Please stay in your car. THANK YOU.
School Board Special Session
Thu Aug 20, 2020 7pm – 8pm Mountain Time - Boise
Zoom Meeting
Estamos emocionados por el inicio de clases el 26 de Agosto. La recolección de Chromebook y paquetes de estudiantes sera el lunes 24 de Agosto de 10:00 am a 6:00 pm. Perdón por el cambio. Estamos retrasados debido a que más de la mitad de nuestros estudiantes no completaron el registro y la selección de su opción escolar. Un gran agradecimiento a todos los que completaron estas tareas y les pedimos a todos que nos ayuden en el futuro con tareas similares.
We are excited for the start of school on August 26th. Chromebook and student packet pickup is moving to Monday August 24th. 10 AM to 6 PM. Sorry for the change. We are delayed because over half of our students did not complete registration and their school option selection. A huge thank you to everyone who completed these tasks and we ask that everyone please help us in the future with similar tasks.